Let Us Embrace Contingency to Visualise and to Reinforce the Uniqueness of Places
visual studies, strollology, education, presentation and inclusion methods, contingencyAbstract
In this paper, I discuss the education of inclusive urbanism as the inclusion of the environmental awareness genesis, attitudes toward urban design, cognitive biases and the acceptance of contingency. How do places ‘happen’ to become what they are? What characterises their potentially unreducible singularity in light of general planning laws?
I suggest educating along a didactic triangle of rules, novelty and singularity in a spatialisable tabular fashion. In addition to using the methods presented here in teaching, these approaches can also be used to create more inclusion in urban development processes as a whole. With a 3D visualisation matrix of analogue, hybrid and digital methods, I proceed to four exemplary multi-methodological teaching modes to tackle the ever-bygone status quo, to introduce research methodology and, thereby, the defeasibility of both the premises and the conclusions in all-too traditional urban design.
I focus on abductive reasoning between the unique locality and the general space of possibility as trial acting and “plan-b thinking” to dialectically shuttle within didactic triangle and visualisation matrix. The curriculum allows for principal and exemplary multi-methodological cross-linkage. Open projects serve as stepping stones into the broad variety of non-algorithmic human occupations in 21st century urban planning. Let us understand our own multiple personal urbanites way beyond professional applicability.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Niels-Christian Fritsche

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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