co-productive city, open planning processes, Holzmarkt Berlin, on-site participation, co-creation in planning, inclusive urbanism, strategic urban designAbstract
Increasingly, civil society is demanding greater participation and involvement in urban development. For this reason, planning processes have become more openly structured in recent years, offering a wider range of opportunities for participation. In order to enable such participation not only in planning but also in producing the city itself, structures for the co-production of urban space have now established themselves. The co-productive city is being made reality by civil society and local actors, whose goal is to create a long-term and sustainable value creation chain. As a counter-model to the neoliberal city, co-productive urban development requires alternative financial and organizational structures. Here our primary focus is the community-based and inclusive production of space that also redefines the role of the planner.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Melanie Humann

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