The case of Chile and dwellings in 9x18 lots
The neighbourhoods 9X18 emerged from a housing policy promoted in the 60s in Chile. They represent today a particular way of collective habitat in relation to their neighbourhood scale and to the interior of each plot. They are territories constituted and built by familiar and community networks. In Santiago, they are 466 neighbourhoods, and 216.000 lots between 160 and 250 m2, with a 38% of public space surface and an excellent pericentral location. Here, there is a lot to observe, learn and protect; and a tremendous potential that needs to be explored and imagined from the understanding of their physical and immaterial patrimony and their opportunities for human-scale densification.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Rodrigo Tapia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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