Geodesign provides a conceptual framework through which to understand relationships between geoscience and design. This paper takes its point of departure from the merger of the Departments of Geography and Geology and Forest, Landscape and Planning at the University of Copenhagen, and the subsequent approach taken to Geodesign as a means to realise potentials within the new academic structure. The aim is to address specifically how an on-going process of transforming the Landscape Architecture program has begun to integrate GIScience in a new way that fosters integration within and between disciplines. The approach to Geodesign will therefore be discussed in terms of cross-disciplinary dialogue and curriculum development. Emphasis will be placed on the results of the Geodesign Conference held at UCPH in November 2014 at which practitioners and academics came together to present extensive experiences and understandings of Geodesign. The conference was also the forum for discussion of the challenges and opportunities offered by Geodesign in the context of teaching.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Aleksander Andrzej Stysiak, Søren Zebitz Nielsen, Richard Hare, Bernhard Snizek, Hans Skov-Petersen

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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